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Working with the Public Sector

New organic waste collection legislation is coming into force imminently (if not already) in many European Countries.  In Spain for example, local authorities should be collecting organic waste separately in communities with more than 5000 inhabitants by 1st January 2022, and in communities with less than 5000 inhabitants by 1st January 2024.  

Enrich society and meet food waste to landfill targets with community compost projects

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Citizens learn to value waste while contributing to and benefiting from circular economy solutions


  • Citizens are invited to participate in composting at the community level


  • Special bags are provided for organic waste


  • Citizens take the bags to centralized disposal points


  • Designated composting coordinatorsorganize collection of bags to ensure that only appropriate content is fed into the machinery 


  • Once the compost has settled, citizens who have contributed organic waste have the right to receive the compost free of charge


  • Leftover compost can be donated to small farm groups or sold to businesses

Benefits for Towns and Cities

According to Compost Magazine, there are 23 benefits of compost that are backed by science.  Add to this the benefits of community cohesion, the creation of green jobs and compliance with legislation - it's easy to see why organic waste collection and composting is such an effective answer to overcrowded landfills and a much better solution than incineration. 


Benefits for soil structure include moisture retention, improved aeration and fewer pests and diseases.  Good soil leads to healthy plants which are more resistant to disease and damage, meaning less reliance on harmful chemicals.  This is not only good for soil health and the environment, but for everyone working in the agriculture sector.  Fewer chemicals, fewer diseas, less time off work, a healthier and happier population!


Composting creates jobs, it supports a green infrastructure and on a per-ton basis, making compost alone employs 2x more works than landfills and 4x more than incinerators.


Compost produces a lot of heat, this could be used to warm greenhouses and polytunnels, and even to produce clean electricity.  


Every year, 1.8 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted, that is a third of the world's food supply, much of which can be turned into compost and sold or traded.  Many countries import compost, which in turn creates emissions associated with shipping compost around the world yet EVERY country has food waste, there is a lost opportunity in terms of economic and environmental benefits if food waste is not composted within a short distance of where it is actually created. 

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Collect organic waste with a K-Ryole, reducing the emissions associated with transporting waste to treatment centres. 


Landfill Management

Divert organic waste from landfill or incineration and comply with legislation

Image by Seth Cottle

Improve soil health, protect environments and increase the yield of fruits and vegetables without the need for toxic chemicals.

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